Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Our Illustrated Lectures at The British Library

Congratulations to all the science and cinema students for their wonderful presentations yesterday!!
Connor McIntyre/Transhumanism
Colton Kooker/The Future of the Universe
Charlie Lowrey/Lucid Dreaming
Michelle Grudzinski/The Journey of Green
David Oakley/The Light Knows
Ashley Meek/Where Does the Edge of Reality Lie? AI & AR
Katie Hitch/The Science of Scents
Justin Rogers/ Micro-organisms and Life Elsewhere
Guy Casavan/ The Chemistry of Film
Josh Lester/ 3-D
Nate / Gems Minerals Crystals
Brian Solka/ XRAYS
Chris Allred/Automatism

Colton, with helper Charlie, demonstrating how we can look back through time

Michelle's interactive color wavelength activity, after demonstration with a slinky.

David shows with a laser and two prisms how light can jump over empty space

 Katie's illustration of the lock-and-key combination of molecules in the creation of  scents

Ashley's presentation on Artificial Intelligence utilized an augmented reality software called Pixlive that we downloaded onto our smartphones to see the videos she embedded into certain key areas of her large drawing of a robot  thinking (after Rodin's The Thinker)

you can learn more about Milo here
